
Showing posts from June, 2021


 As someone who has seldom had a problem sleeping when it is time for bed, it has been a new experience for me to suddenly have my sleep/wake schedule get askew and be awake at night. At first it was frustrating. I would lie in bed, wide awake, waiting, waiting for sleep. Sometimes I'd still be awake at 3 or 4, and though my body was resting, real sleep was elusive. Finally I took the experts' advice, and started getting up for awhile when I couldn't sleep. And then one night I decided to sit outside in semi-darkness, comfortably swinging back and forth on my porch swing.  What a different world it is at night! During the day, my awareness is on hundreds of things. I get tasks done, go to meetings, make my bed, feed the cat, take a walk, give a massage, clean the house, weed the garden, call my children, eat meals. In contrast, sitting outside in the dark in the middle of the night, I was just me, no chores, no responsibilities, surrounded by quiet and by darkness. And grad

All My Relations

  Slipping out to the porch swing   in the wee early hours, I greet my brother the oak, my sister the owl, my father the rich earth, my mother the moon. Surrounded by family, I'm ready to go back to sleep.

Reclaiming Our Family Tribe, with Language!

 As I was talking to a plant this morning in my garden, I was reminded of something that Robin Wall Kimmerer writes about in her book Braiding Sweetgrass. Wanting to learn the language of her native American ancestors, she began taking lessons in Potawatamee. There are only a handful of people now who grew up speaking that language, and they are very old. But fortunately there are younger people like Robin who realize there is more to language than words. There's a whole worldview at stake, and these younger folks are working to save the richness before it dies out.  As Robin became more familiar with this old/new-to-her language, she realized something very striking. It had to do with how the native language refers to things other than people, in contrast to how we do this in English. As we know, everything that is not human is referred to as "it" in English (though of course we tend to call our pet animals by "he" or "she" as well). When we grow up

Doing It Right

 I just got back from visiting my daughter's family in Asheville. It was a wonderful re-entry into a world that is interconnecting again. I got to see my family in person, eat with them, play games with them, even hug them. What a relief that felt to my psyche! The unconscious part of myself that has protected me through these last 15 months, made sure I was wearing a mask, not getting too close to anyone, keeping a safe distance in all respects, that part of me has relaxed. Whew! It is such a relief. I went grocery shopping for the first time in 15 months in person today. It was really exciting! I rolled my cart down the isles and wanted to grab everything. It felt like an intoxicating freedom to be able to see all those shelves packed with choices and know that I could reach out and take anything. I probably did buy 2 or 3 times as much as the old usual. But it was so freeing, so exciting. And now I have a very, very full larder. One of the things we did while I was with my famil