The Dandelion: Pest or Treasure?
When I moved to Prairie Hill three and a half years ago, there were no dandelions growing around the place. It was new construction with the usual earth disruption. I was disappointed, because every spring I saute dandelion leaves and onions to add to my scrambled eggs. It's an important spring ritual for me. I didn't want to give it up. So I poured through the seed catalogs. No dandelion seeds! But there was something called Italian Dandelions and I planted them. It turned out that they were not dandelions at all, but a form of chicory. But they tided me over until the real thing began to find it's way to Prairie Hill. Now there are dandelions everywhere here. I am one of their biggest fans, but even I get tired of digging them out of my garden. I love them, but they can't have it all! Since there were no dandelions here three years ago, and now they are prolific, I decided to do some research on them. I know that for most folks, they are a nuisance. But how did they ...