We Are in Tough Times
It feels like a hard time to be alive here on earth right now. Not only is the season here turning toward winter, with frosts and freezes, leaves falling, plants going to sleep, and animals thinking about hibernating. It's also discouraging to look around on the planet and take in what a mess we humans are making right now. Our political chaos in this country is shocking enough. But when we look further away, there is the angry and devastating war abroad. And on a wider scale, we are heading as a planet for another extinction much faster than anyone could have predicted. Not tomorrow, or even in our lifetimes, but cosmically speaking just around the corner. It is all sobering. I usually wait to be inspired to write a blog post. But inspiration has been hard to find for a couple of weeks. It is easy to feel alone and disengaged when we're in these kinds of days, at least for me. My energy goes down. Sometimes I just can't get inspired to do anything much. And then I feel g...