Our Body's Community

 As I was thinking about interaction, interdependence, and the amazing examples of each in our biosphere, I suddenly realized that at least for me, it would be helpful to view my own body as an example of community. To create the best health, my different organs need to cooperate with each other, communicate, and function smoothly at their interfaces. I love this concept! Rather than identifying discrete problems in our health, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, upset stomach, or headache, we can think about the whole system and how one organ affects the others. In giving care to one organ, we may be beneficially affecting others. And then there is the micro-community in our digestive system of beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms.  As in all ecosystems, some things work harmoniously with other members, and some are disruptive. So when penicillin kills the beneficial organisms in our digestive system (a disruption), we know enough to eat and drink things that will replace them. Our bodies are complex interactive systems with millions of components. We are walking, living examples of community!


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