Heading South!
I've been fascinated with the urge to migrate lately. Wikipedia gives us a lot of interesting facts about this phenomenon. Migration means the movement of various species from one habitat to another, usually on a yearly basis. There are a number of reasons why some creatures would do this: temperature fluctuations, escaping the rigors of winter, more plentiful food somewhere else, the mating urge. It is interesting that we find annual migration patterns in all major animal groups: birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects and crustaceans. And maybe humans.... Here at Prairie Hill, I've been noticing the flocks of geese heading south recently. And from the lack of visitors lately at the hummingbird feeder, I suspect those small vivacious birds have already started their long annual journey south as well. This morning we woke up to the coldest temperature yet this fall. We actually had to wear a jacket early in the day. So change is in the air. Wikipedia says that bi...