We Earthlings Are in a Fix. What Should I Do?
No matter where we turn to the media these days, we're confronted with discouraging facts. Even when I decide to watch nature programs, beautiful and inspiring views of forests, oceans, skies, I am confronted with warnings about the fragility of our environment and the need to restore balance. The truth is that as a species we are in trouble. As a planet, we are in trouble. And much of the trouble for our planet is because of our actions as a species. Looking at the political divisions within our country is one thing, the rigid lines in the sand, the dysfunction and antipathy that seem more important than finding a way to peace. But that is only one small part of the difficulties. So many components of our earth are in the red zone, in a dangerous space that might ultimately contribute to our demise, or even of all life. The facts are so brutal that it is hard even to let them in. Climate change, loss of diversity, air pollution, desertification, the clearing of forests...., the list goes on. And once you actually let these facts into your head and heart, it is hard to put your head in the sand again, to ignore it. Once you know about the rising danger, it can be overwhelming. But it also calls for us to make a decision: what can we do about this? What is our part? How do we deal with these awful and frightening truths? Are we helpless as individuals to have any positive effect on the whole mess? Do we just put our heads down and shut our eyes?
I've been wondering about this a lot lately. And I don't have an answer. We're in a strange set of circumstances. Looking at the facts, it would appear that we are definitely in an emergency situation. Usually our response to an emergency is to rush to fix it, to quell the danger, ease the problem. It is confusing to our minds that our societal response to these huge threats has been controversy: some people disbelieving the danger, some people actively trying to bury the facts, and others doing their best to shout warnings. This political chaos effectively shuts down any normal response. Our government is able to get a few helpful actions passed, but far too few to have the kind of quick effect our world needs.
So how do we as human beings deal with our disconcerting situation here on earth? I can only share my personal journey through this quagmire of a question. For awhile I was depressed by listening to the news, and I decided to stop listening. That helped to some extent, but left me in a vacuum, and now I'm choosing my sources but keeping up with national and international news. I do the normal things that a responsible citizen does: recycle, compost my garbage, mulch my garden, live in an energy-efficient home, curtail driving to some extent. But I know that these things are not enough to make a real difference. And though this situation seems to shout for immediate emergency behavior, I am not in a position to have much if any influence with that large-scale response. So I reach further inside to see what I can do or be.
I listen to my more instinctive and spiritual sides, and I sit quietly. I still myself, in contrast to the un-stillness of our problems. I start by bringing peace to myself, a sense of connectedness, a sense of wholeness. I let my imagination reach out to the lands around the globe, the rivers, the living things, the plants and trees. I let myself be part of this big community of beings that are collaborating, living closely together, balancing, communicating. What I sense is that a solution to our problems must start inside of us, an ability to find the peace and rhythm of the spheres. And even that, I do believe, can affect the whole. Intent is powerful. It can affect situations that seem unfixable. This is not a scientific fact. This goes beyond science. I have a strong sense that finding peace inside myself and inviting that peacefulness to reach out to the rest of the world does make a difference. Perhaps the biggest difference that my small self can make.
It is also true that when I begin with myself in this process of fixing the world, looking inside for peace, I am more ready to act in the outside world. I might have more energy to write to my congressmen and congresswomen, to participate in demonstrations, to volunteer to plant trees or preserve wild land. I might even be inspired to initiate some big project or action. Right now I haven't gotten that far. Yet it is a vastly significant step for me to banish the anxiety and worry about the world for a few minutes, sit quietly, and find a peaceful connection with all that is, joining that interconnected web of life and energy, with the intent of together spreading something positive and healing to the troubled earth.
One thing I often did in teacher workshops was a unit on working with problems and brainstorming possible solutions. This blog goes beyond anything I ever presented to teachers and instead combines creative (beautiful) writing, introspection, and problem solving, or at least gives the reader hope that s/he is not powerless. Hope! We all need that in large doses now, and once again, you've given me such a gift! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThankyou Nan for expressing the hope that by finding our peace inside and sending this peace out into the world with our thoughts is powerful. It would be nice to find a group of 8 to meditate together --set up time each week--as in Lynn McTaggart's book, The Power of Eight. I want to do what I am able to do also.