Shaking Our World

 Remember in one of the early Star Wars movies, Luke, Han Solo and Obiwan Kanobe were flying across the galaxies? Obiwan was teaching Luke about the Force. And then suddenly he had to sit down and hold his head. It was because of a huge disruption in the Force, and it shook him up. Then they found out that the bad guys had blown up a whole planet. That's how the world seems to be feeling to me right now. The country of Ukraine is being assaulted by Russia, thousands of humans killed, all because someone wants to have possession of that country. And it is disrupting the Force in the world. If a butterfly's wings across the ocean have an affect on us all, something as huge and violent as the current situation in the Ukraine shakes our world, whether we are aware of it or not. For in truth, we are all connected. Most countries and people seem to be in opposition to this forceful take-over. And I am hoping that maybe it takes a situation like this, high profile and dramatic, that will broaden our collective consciousness as a species so that we are less likely to resort to war in the future. Surely we learned as children that we don't kill someone just because we disagree with them, or kill someone so we can get what they have. Pretty elementary principles. But our species has always has a hard time with this tendency to lash out. I am sending love and support to all those Ukrainian people, and the Russian people as well. War also has a devastating effect on the rest of nature, the plants, animals, birds, microbes. I'm sending my awareness, as much as I can, to that beleaguered part of the world, surrounding it with a healing glow. If thousands of us do the same, it may serve to lighten this crisis, even just a little.


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