Weather Forecast

 Weather Forecast

Weather systems from the west

come storming across our skies, 

sometimes staying for days 

carrying rain, turbulence, unrest.

Light is dim and darkened,

as we head for shelter.

The gods of sky and earth are fighting,

thunder and lightning crashing around us.

Then there are the sunny days,

a clearing after the storm,

ground moist, plants thriving,

air fresh and clean.

We smile as sunlight

warms our bodies, lights our path.

Energy fills us with purpose

as we get to work in our green world.

The weather of mood can be much the same,

a stormy time settling in for awhile

bringing memories of anger, regret, impatience,

and suddenly nothing seems quite right.

Even if the sun is shining outside

our internal landscape is dreary and sad,

whipped up by some long ago storm

whose impact never quite leaves.

Yet just as suddenly our internal sky can clear,

the clouds blown away by friends or events,

things to remind us of our blessings, our treasures.

Our hearts lift, our eyes smile out

and the light of the world warms us.

These outer and inner landscapes

are part of the ebb and flow of life,

and it is good to remember when in the grip of one,

it will eventually be replaced by the other.

NF 3/21/23


  1. So, so true :) Joyce

  2. Well written, Nan! Your well balanced thoughts and phrases so well describe what so often happens to all of us. Thanks for always finding the positives despite the too frequent negatives. We'll put this poem on our refrigerator!

  3. Wonderful poem Nan. I have read it several times and each time it is a rewarding metaphor.


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