Alone or Together??
Back when the earth was early in its evolution, it was made of inert materials. This was 4.5 billion years ago and the earth was just forming in our galaxy. What we know now as our planet home went through many stages before it settled into a solid globe with scattered land masses surrounded by oceans. About .8 billion years after its initial formation, the very first life appeared. In the beginning, this life was made up of mostly one-celled bacteria: tiny and simple, tentative experiments in living form. About 1 billion years ago, multi-celled algae came on the scene. These first more complex life forms began in the water but eventually moved up onto the land. And gradually there was an explosion of diverse plants and animals spreading into every crevice of our world. Looking from the human vantage point, where a year is a long time, the billions of years before us in the evolution of our planet can be mind-boggling. So much has happened over such a very long time span. So many...