Returning Home

 Returning Home

Earth moves through rays of sun, turning, balancing.

All of us part of that round bright whole.

Her life force brought us here, all of us

from the smallest amoeba to the largest whale,

even our intrepid species homo sapien,

who’ve used our brains and hands

to manipulate the earth, the land. 

Even our species is part of the whole.

Does Earth Mother feel us as a blight?

Does she still have patience to nurture us

though we continually harm her?

Once we worshiped her, gave her tender care,

talked to her, honored her as our source.

But over time we set ourselves apart,

placed ourselves at the top, ruling over all.

We forgot our place, we forgot our grounding.

Now our blinders are pulling back, we see our world in peril.

Our grandchildren will have no home here,

unless we mend our ways and right the wrongs.

Let’s lay aside the illusion of power

turn toward the web of life and take our place

as fellow creatures, not dictators,

open our eyes to the fabric of the living world,

and turn our hands, our head and heart toward home.

NF 4/25/23


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