At Dawn

 It's such a busy season! Not enough hours in the day! So rather than writing something new here, I'm going to paste a poem I wrote before I moved to Iowa City. I was living on the family farm, growing medicinal herbs for the farmers market, and enjoying country life. I remember the morning I wrote this poem, and reading it again brings all those memories back.

At Dawn

Pulled from bed by the sound of waving treetops,

I make my way down the long staircase,

across the study, and out into the dawn,

moving from stillness to an outside world electric with movement.

I sit on the top step of the south porch,

letting the cool moist air wash over me.

A regiment of clouds approaches from the west,

full of the promise of something significant,

a mixture of blacks and grays, 

morphing into rounded shapes,

and then stretching thin and long 

as the wind carries them on.

Wrapped in the stillness of an observer,

I watch small birds soar high above the trees and then swoop down,

moved to ecstatic flight by the same tingling expectancy that I feel:

Storm is coming.

And then it is here,

a roar of wind, trees bending impossibly low,

the first drops of rain coming fast on a diagonal,

slapping hard against my face.

Still sitting on the porch step,

but no longer an observer,

I am pulled from quiet separateness into a wild wholeness.

I smile large with the joy of it,

filled with gratitude for this day’s beginning.


  1. Sitting on the porch step, I easily experience the eminent storm too..... mmmm thanks jm

  2. Being still and observing one's surroundings. Wonderful description of really "being".

  3. Wow, this poem crawls into my being and takes me places I yearn for. Thank you Nan!


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