Happy Summer Solstice!

Here's a poem I just wrote: 

Turning, Turning

Sun in the heavens, earth turning, turning.

Season to season, and day turns to night.

Every year passes, another comes to us.

Each one brings gifts with the changes of light.

Hard cold of winter, darkness and quiet.

Only a memory are warm days and green.

We gather together, hold safe every person,

Raising our hopes as we summon in spring.

Then life bursts forth and all earth is blooming.

Sun shines so warmly and gentle the rain.

As the earth wakens, creatures are moving,

Plants shooting upward, ripening grain.

Year in the middle, light at its longest.

Heat in the morning, midday and night.

Workers are busy, at the night tired,

Heyday of summer, all life’s delight.

Then comes the autumn, growing is slowing.

Bounty of harvest, stomachs are full.

Light is receding, temperature cooling.

Now we anticipate life at a lull.

Back now to winter, another year weathered.

Older but wiser we are, every one.

Each season different, each one a treasure.

This wheel of time is finally done.


  1. Cathy and John ThomasJune 21, 2023 at 9:47 AM

    Well said, Nan! Thank you for this poem. Yes, the long days - love 'em! I hope you have gotten some rain. We had a deluge and would happily share. Ha ha. Cathy and John

  2. My favorite line amongst many fantastic ones: “Growing is slowing”. (Gina)


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