Recovering in Asheville

 Two weeks ago, I went on an adventure with my family to Ireland. My grandson, Henry, is spending his first semester in college in an off-campus study in Limerick. My daughter April, her husband Matt, and my other grandson Gus took me along with them to visit Henry and explore Ireland. It was a magical journey, and I was full of all kinds of things to write on this blog when I got back. But unfortunately I picked up some virus in Ireland and it hit me on the flight back to the US. So I am waylaid in Asheville at April's home to recover before I'm well enough to fly home. This morning it does feel like I've turned a corner, so I might write about Irish adventures soon. But for now, I'll just send you a couple "cinquaine" poems that I wrote waiting in the airport.  More later.....

Full moon
above the trees
shining over Dublin.
Far away from home you are, but
same moon.

White horse.
See it standing.
Looking over valleys.
Nestled close among the greens in


  1. Yes, thinking of you at the full moon :) Mend quickly ! Joyce

  2. Hope you’re mended and on your way home to Iowa soon.I would Love hearing more about your Irish travels; also, when you’re back here visiting April again it would be very special if you and I could get together. Fondly, your friend JoAnn

  3. Yes, same moon. For all of us. Amazing. Thanks for writing and sharing.


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