Wise Giants in Our Midst
Wise Giants in Our Midst
I am filled with love for trees,
their exquisite winter forms
showing a whole life story,
each one different, each story their own.
Especially the solitary giant,
standing alone, not just stretching up,
but with room to stretch far out,
reveling in unhindered freedom of expression.
As I walk by these wonders of creation,
I catch my breath at each new view.
These intricate works of beauty
stun me into an awed silence.
It is as if they are radiating out their branches
in greeting, their inner structures unwrapped,
their personalities standing out in relief.
I am honored to meet them so transparently.
Tree wisdom is different than ours
but I feel expanded underneath their branches,
protected and nurtured by these huge beings
standing tall and strong in our midst.
Imagine a different world
where species’ roles were switched,
where animals like us were small and modest
and the confederation of our tall tree leaders
bound us together in a vibrant energetic web of life.
NF 12/26/23
I shall be sitting with that image of switched rolls..... I know it will improve my perspective and be insightful.