The Magical World of Plants
When I was a girl, I wanted to be a doctor. That was after I wanted to be an explorer in deepest Africa, and then a mail carrier bringing all those precious letters to people. There were so many professions to choose from! But by the time I got to high school, my dream of being a doctor was firmly established. And fortunately I grew up in a local culture where women were not excluded from important roles. I subscribed to Scientific American, read up on medical discoveries, and was really psyched about my future. Then I went to college. You would think that in college they would have encouraged even young women to follow their dreams. But time and again, my advisor discouraged me from pursuing that dream. He finally said that this kind of education would be wasted on me, for I would just get married and have children. And I was so deflated by that opinion that indeed I ultimately dropped out of college, got married, and had children. I doubt that my advisor's attitude would be as c...