Sea Change

 What the heck?!!

We’ve been dropped into serious times, 

dangerous times.

Suddenly our very ways of life 

are being challenged.

Our values and our freedoms 

are in jeopardy.

It’s hard not to feel stunned and numb, 

on pause.

How tempting 

to bury our heads in the sand

And hope we survive 

the coming 4 years.

But it’s no fun to feel 

discouraged and powerless,

As we shake our heads 

in denial and disgust.

Maybe it’s time to rev up 

our resistance mode,

Start playing music 

from the 60s and 70s,

Fan to life the embers 

of our rebellious selves,

And stand up to authority 

with truth and courage.

Hard times bring people together,

And together we can do 

so much more than alone.

Singing songs of freedom and justice,

Working for the good of our communities.

Instead of being spurred into discouragement

Let’s be spurred into action, 

into hope and light

Let the challenges of the times

make us rise up

Ready to work 

for what’s good for us all

All over the world, working together

Remembering we are one

All one.


  1. Would it be as easy as the 60"s? I would love to have the evils that are about to happen be exposed to everyone regardless of news channels---don't know how----I am thinking we each must choose one thing to work on----one thing to help with the resistance. It is so much it is overwhelming to think of more than one thing. But your poem was inspirational.---hard times bring people together. Together we can try to keep discouragement/isolation at bay.

  2. Heather Cox Richardson in her 12 November YouTube podcast helped me regroup and giving me tools to work on my optimism.

  3. Thank you, Nan! I've been thinking along similar lines (also in Substack...)

  4. Thanks, Nan. I'm posting this one on my refrigerator! My musical friends have been asking me for another song, but I've had trouble finding suitable inspiration. I like your focus on what might be fun rather than depressing in these challenging times, and that helps.

    John Thomas

  5. Thank you Nan! Just the inspiration I need


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