I Wish I Were a Bold Old Woman

 I wish I were a bold old woman

with beneficial super powers.

I’d fly around on my walking stick

and deal with the problems of the world.

I’d hover over the battlefields

sprinkling my magic dust

and suddenly soldiers would pause

and begin to love their enemies.

I would wave my wand 

over barren landscapes

and watch while 

green growth reappeared.

I would take aim at corrupt politicians,

the ones whose egos have taken over,

and with a flourish of my fingers

rhey would be stopped in their tracks.

I would breathe a story of compassion

In the ears of sleeping millionaires.

And funnel out the taste for power

In men who are hooked on domination.

I would whisper tales of wild green places

to the grand industrial executives,

And then, at the end of a long day,

I would ride home smiling.


  1. Beautiful! You are creating it with your thoughts!!

  2. Yes to old and bold!

  3. Thank you for this. Yes!

  4. You ARE a Bold Woman, and we are contributing to the evolution of a healthy world..... that is sufficient..... others walk with us and others will follow. Love to see you smiling!


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