Whatever the Odds
Whatever the Odds When I look out to the world and see a hopeless mess, When it seems there is no way of righting our wrongs, And the future looks dim and depressing, It makes me shrink inside and forget hope. We truly have lost our way, the intrepid human. We wanted to gain control of everything But we didn’t see that we are just a small part Of the whole. And we have broken the connections. The earth may recover and regain it’s health But we are burning our own bridges. And I am part of that destructive force. My own family of man, my own family. Do I despair? Give up and sit idle? Or might it be better to find a glimmer of hope And follow it with persistence and effort. Engaging in the work of healing. Yes, I will do that. I will open my heart To hope and do my best to repair the damage, Spend my energy toward positive change Whatever the odds may be. NF 6/27/23