Speaking the Truth of Love
Speaking the Truth of Love A solitary week recovering from surgery. Cooped up inside my small home. Feeling too alone, too isolated, empty. I ask myself, what can I do to feel better? And the answer comes: sit quietly and wait. Sit quietly and let your mind open. Sitting quietly, it slowly comes to me that I am not really alone, not ever. My small being is one of millions and all of us tied together in one magic web. A web of unseen connections and alliances all held softly together by a great invisible force. The plants at my feet, the insects in the air, the tiny microorganisms underground the moon and sun, rain and winds all nestled together in one great interconnected whole. There are other creatures like me, waiting to heal. And creative energies helping that process. I am surrounded by a nurturing living world, an encompassing kind of love that binds all things. Can I take my cue from this insight? In a world that seems badly in need of help, Could I root myself in that for...